
Drink Safe / Drive Safe

Our Mission

In the year 2015, around 10,265 people died in the United States due to automobile accidents associated with DUIs. Our goal is to decrease this number by ensuring the safety of the user through the use of an effective algorithm, strong customer service, and a heavily customized experience for the user to fit their needs.

Our Product


In order to bring our users the best possible experience, we decided to develop an effective algorithm to determine whether the user is in fact under the influence which would then lead us to a variety of options customized specifically for the user.

As the vehicle starts up, the user's heart rate will be monitored to check whether they're experiencing symptoms of being under the influence.

We'll use our sensor, similar to a breathalyzer, that would detect the scent of alcohol within the users vehicle.

If the algorithm returns true, the vehicle automatically locks itself avoiding the user from driving under the influence.

With integration of the Uber and Twilio APIs, we can make sure users make it to the safety of their homes by reaching out to their friends and family.

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